International Admission Counselors

Toma Mallett

Mr. Toma Mallett

International Admission Counselor

812-488-2434 Mallett's Full Biography

Regions: Uzbekistan and international university partnerships

I grew up in Indiana, graduating from high school in Fort Wayne. Since then I’ve lived and worked in Indiana, Oklahoma, Bulgaria, Moldova, and Georgia on the Black Sea. In these places I taught in schools and universities from grade 6 up to graduate courses. I am active in Scouting in with both American and Georgian scouts, and I sing with a Georgian folklore ensemble in my town. My travels have taken me to many countries, but I always kept an eye on the great State of Indiana. With UE, I was able to join my love of education and my personal passion for helping students all over the world obtain a top-rate education. I am pleased that now I assist people from all over the world to come to Evansville and embark on their own life’s adventure.